09-21, 15:45–16:05 (Europe/Vienna), Conference room
Abstract: Thermo-electret behaviour of PET/0.8PHB and PET/0.6PHB polymer liquid crystals were investigated using thermally stimulated depolarization current (TSD current) technique from room temperature to 2500C. Thermo-electrets were prepared at polarizing temperatures 900C and 1800C, polarizing filed was 95.2kV/cm and 129.0kV/cm. TSD current spectra consists of three current maxima around 600C, 1300C and 1800C representing three kinds of relaxation phenomenon termed as -, -, and -relaxations respectively. Dependence of relaxation temperature on polarizing temperature was observed.
Keywords: Thermo-electret, PET/0.6PHB, PET/0.8PHB, TSDC