Influence of preparation conditions on structure and ferroelectric properties of thin VDF-TrFE copolymer film
09-19, 14:15–14:45 (Europe/Vienna), Conference room

Structure and ferroelectric properties of P(VDF-TrFE) film of molar ratio 70/30 prepared from solution in MEK under various conditions have been investigated. Spherulitic lamella are growing when the solution is filtrated through a PTFE membrane filter with pore size 0.2 μm and directly dropped on a metallized substrate before spin coating, subsequent heating above the melting temperature, and further annealing. No spherulites grow from unfiltrated solution or when the filtrated solution is stored for some seconds before deposition. This observation gives hint to a structural change of the dissolved copolymer chains from coil to rod by filtration, which persists for a short period of time only.